
Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I don't know about you but I feel like in today's world with Instagram, Facebook, Blogs, Pinterest, and everything else you can find on the internet we are constantly comparing ourselves to others.  We compare ourselves to other families, their homes, their meals, pinterest projects, or worse MOTHERHOOD! 

I'm totally guilty of this. 
Are you? 

Do you ever find yourself skimming through your multiple accounts on social media, 
curious to see what the other "mothers" are doing. Are they doing more crafts then you, having more fun moments, making more dinners/more deserts, is their house cleaner, etc. 
All that skimming on social media, where did it get you? 
Did it help you find a new recipe, come up with a new craft, or game to play. If it did that is Awesome! 

But, I'm guessing if your like me it didn't. 
It'd didn't bring you anything but jealousy, bitterness, frustration, anger, and even annoyance. 
It made me resent friends that seemed to be enjoying motherhood more than me. 
It made me annoyed that I couldn't come up with better artsy crafts, or that my house isn't instagram perfect clean, or worse that I don't even enjoy or want to make dinner for my family. 

As mom's I feel that we are our own worst critics. We are constantly comparing ourselves to the stay at home mom, working mom, or the super mom that does it both.  I feel like, In today's age those things are way worse than in times past, all thanks to social media. 

Mama's it doesn't have to be this way. 
We don't have to constantly be putting one another down, constantly critiquing one another, or comparing how we parent. 

I don't know about you, but I'm done with comparing myself to other mamas. 

My friend Chrissi, along with two others Thuy and Sarah have started a movement.
The #mothermanifesto and it's amazing! 
No longer will we compare one another or make each other feel guilty for the different ways we mother our children. 
Together we will stand hand in hand together, encouraging each other through each journey that motherhood brings us. Through the ups and downs, through the joyful moments to the happy tears. 
Together we will be united! 

Join the #mothermanifesto movement. 




Together we can end the motherhood comparison and become united is this amazing journey that God has blessed us each with!

After making my on personal pledge and joining the #mothermanfiesto movement.
I emailed Sara seeing if there was a way I could get involved.
I can now say I am the Local Leader for the Greater Roanoke Valley
(please email me at if you'd like to be added to our Facebook Group or updated on events!)
A Contributor to the blog, instragram, and newsletter!

I am so exciting for this journey and I really hope you join in!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Show & Tell || Hometown

It's time for another one of my favorite link-ups, Show & Tell Tuesdays. I'm truly enjoying this series (thanks Andrea) and today I'm extra excited to learn all about y'alls hometowns! 

If any one ask, I tell them I'm from Houston, TX. Now that isn't a complete lie. I was born there..but I only lived there 9 months. So I can't count it as my hometown, however if I'm honest I tell David that's my hometown and we need to move back asap. ;) 

So my true hometown is a little town (though it has city it's name) in the Shenandoah Valley of VA. 


I have lived in this cute little town (city) the majority of my life. Some days I love it and some days, well ya know everyone is ready to explore the big ole world. :) 
Today I want to share with you some of the top things I love about Salem!

We love us some Salem Football. Friday night the stadium fills with probably all of Salem to watch the Spartans play. Hoping to add another state championship flag to the gym (7 and counting!)
Yes this is our local high school stadium. 
I grew up going to the games, went all during high school and now enjoying taking our girls. 
There is just something about wearing maroon on Friday Nights and singing your Fight Song. 
{Salem Born and Salem Bred and Till I die I'll be Salem Dead.. So RAH RAH FOR SALEM SALEM! RAH RAH FOR SALEM SALEM! RAH RAH FOR SALEM! RAH RAH RAH!  Maroon and White will win tonight we'll win this game tonight all right SO RAH RAH FOR SALEM SALEM! RAH RAH FOR SALEM SALEM! RAH RAH FOR SALEM! RAH RAH RAH!}
#sangitinmyhead3times #hardcorealum

I look forward to this day every year, it's the best way to end the summer and kick off Fall in my opinion. Every September, our town picks one Saturday to hold their annual OLDE SALEM DAY FESTIVAL. There are old cars to look at, craft vendors, merchandise vendors, art vendors, music, face painting, and FOOD. The food ya'll, it's truly why I go. 
You have fried oreos, fried chicken, turkey legs, Chinese, and the best KETTLE CORN POPCORN. 
Okay I honestly go for the Kettle Corn and I buy the largest bag possible. :)
Thankful for David's healthy loving heart, we live close to downtown. So we typically place the girls in strollers and walk down from our house. So we work off all the food, I mean Kettle Corn. 

3. Green Hill Park 
We love love love Green Hill park. 
Not because it has a great walking/bike trail they we love to take advantage over all spring/summer/fall. 
Not because it has an awesome park for the girls to play on.
Not because we have family picnic's there. 
Not because we go to skip rocks or stick our toes in the river. 
Though we truly do enjoy all of those things. 

We love this specific park for a few other reasons. 
Number 1: It's were we got engaged! 
David and I would spend a ton of time walking around the park when we were dating. It was our favorite place to just go and talk. 

Number 2: We had our rehearsal here. 
Yep instead of driving all the way out to the lake. We rehearsed our wedding in the main field at Green Hill. :) 

Number 3: Tensley's Maternity and 1st Birthday Photoshoots were here. 
Our sweet friend Kyra got some great shots for us that day. 
This Bench is our favorite. We got engaged on this bench!
If I could carve on names into it, I totally would!

Back when we were just Boswell party of almost 3.
Crazy now we are a party of 4!

4. Local Food
What can I say...I like to eat! :) 
There are a few restaurants that I just love in our little valley. 

Mac N Bobs

I love Mac N Bobs.
In middle school I would walk down every warm Friday with friends for an after school snack.
In high school after every home Football game we would all meet up.
Now I just eat there with family and friends when I get the chance.
David and I have even walked here for brunch a couple of times.
My favorites are the Katie Salad and the Calzone. 

Texas Tavern

This is our Millionaires Club!
Yep you read that right, best part they only sit 10 at a time!
This is also located in downtown Roanoke.
When I took Cotillion growing up after our lessons on dance and etiquette. We would go here and eat.
I even suggested going here to eat dinner when Adam Ward invited me to prom his senior year.
David and I would go late at night when we were dating. (He really liked me ;) )
My favorites are the Bowl With and Cheesy Western

The Homeplace

Okay so this is like 15 minutes up the mountain from Salem.
But the drive and food are so so worth it. Truly!
I have never eaten at a Paula Deen's yesterday, but I believe some of these Southern Dishes could hold their own up against Paula.
My Favorites are... EVERYTHING! ORDER IT ALL!!!
ps. best's homestyle. food is placed all over your table, you pass it amongst yourself and eat. 

Roanoke Weiner Stand

The Roanoke Weiner Stand opened in 1916.
I have heard countless stories about my family driving into town for different events and always stopping by the Weiner Stand for Hotdogs. 
 I don't eat here very often (it can get to my stomach sometimes) but when I do I really try to enjoy it. 
This is one of our places we enjoy going too when we go downtown to eat lunch with my Aunt Carolyn.
My favorite is the 2 hotdog combo, fries, and a soda. 

Blue Apron 

I love this restaurant. 
I have been for girls dinners or business dinners. 
Oddly enough David and I have never had a dinner date here though. 
(Clearly I will be making reservations this week). 
I love their menu, I order something different every time. So I can't truly suggest a favorite. 
You really can't go wrong when you order. 
I can say that I love that they give you a half portion size or a full portion size. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Top 3

I have never been good at documenting the girls month by month when they are babies. However some of my favorite bloggers (Shay & Andrea) have both done the top 3 things of each person in their family. So I thought I would share some of the Top 3 things that I want to remember about each person in our family during this season in our lives. 

Tensley (4yrs. old)
1.She loves all types of imaginary play. She is constantly teaching her kids ballet, gymnastics, or the different things she learns at school. She is either the teacher or the mama to a ton of kids. Her husband is always Kolton! ;)
2. She is all about filling her piggybank with some money! Right now she is into finding loose change  and talking her dad and I into giving her a quarter every morning she makes her bed.
3. She is really into crafting. All day everyday this girl would rather be crafting. It's such joy to watch her create things.

Everley (practically 10mos.)
1. She takes her glasses off ever single chance she gets. She loves to just hold onto them and play with them, but wearing them she doesn't really see the point.
2. She is strong willed and opinionated. Though she may not be completely vocal with her words yet, she will find a way to communicate with you and tell it like it is.
3.As of right now, she hates sleeping. Doesn't want to nap or even go down for bed. She is clearly afraid she will miss something.

David & Me
1. He is currently into all things Welding. He is taking his third welding class right now. When he isn't in class, he is reading welding blogs (I know, I didn't know they existed either) or watching welding videos.
2. When he isn't watching welding videos, he is watching wedding videos. Studying up to start shooter for our good friend Jacob during this upcoming wedding season.
3. This guy has some big dreams, multiple dreams. I can't wait to see how the Lord uses his dreams and passions.

1. Striving to be a better mom. Less comparing, more encouraging and more fun with my girls. I have joined the #mothermanifesto.
2. Finding peace in living in my hometown. I have been wanting to move since the day David and I got married (#TexasForever). But right now I'm praying for contentment in living in my mother's home and my hometown.
3. I'm rewatching some of my favorite high school shows on netflix, it sure is making me miss my high school girls.