
Friday, August 28, 2015

Favorite Memories of You, Adam!

Today's Favorite Friday link up with Andrea and Friends is all about 
my amazing friend Adam Ward. 

Last night I sat down with David and started recording all of my memories with Adam. Our mutual friends and I have been sharing moments together via text for the past 48 hours. 
We remember his selflessness, his funniness, his contagious smile, boom voice, his laugh, his love for others, his joyful outlook on life, and a true gentlemen. 

1. Driving to High School Together. 
I met you in our high school photojournalism class, he was a senior and I was a sophomore. He took me home one day after a Saturday work day when I wasn't feel well. I can remember telling my mom "Yeah its safe to be in a car with him, he is Mr. Ward's son. His dad works for the school, its perfectly fine." :) 
When you learned my mom was a single mom, full time student at Redford and I didn't have my license. He offered to pick me up in the morning to take me to school, so I wouldn't have to leave so early with my mom. Those mornings were always so special! You would listen to my dumb sophomore girl drama like it really mattered (when it actually didn't), allowed me to changed the radio station to K92 instead of the sports center highlights, and some days just because would surprise me with a coffee when you picked me up. 

2. Prom
I am thankful we were able to attend 2 proms together. I went as your date for your senior prom and you came as my date for my junior prom. 
I was so nervous during senior prom that I ate dinner before you picked me up, we went to take pictures with all of your friends before heading over to 419 West. I wasn't hungry and still really to nervous to eat. So we split a pizza and both ordered water. Our entire bill was $11. You told people you had hit Prom Date Gold! I remember telling me how upset your dad was until you told him it was my idea to split a pizza and I wasn't hungry. 

His Senior Year Prom. 

Junior year I was more relaxed, we took pictures with my friends and headed up to Carlos' for dinner. 
I'll never forget while we were taking photos at Roanoke College with Rachel and Preston. That moment my mom realized our age difference. I was 17 and you were 20. The look on our faces from this photo and that moment were priceless. 
 My Junior Prom. 

3. The Worst Night of My Life
The night that my mom died you were there for me. You were the first person I called. I stood at the end of the walkway, crying to you that she died and I kept apologizing for ruining your date with Lauren U. You told me you were on your way. I found out later that you called your dad on your way asking him to grab me something to eat (McDonalds of course!) and to be with me until you could get there. You knew your dad could be with me before you could. 
You drove me to my Godparents house that night and stayed until I was okay enough to go to bed. 
The next morning you met me at the funeral home with my aunts and god families. You held my hand as I made ever decision, looked at you for guidance, and prayed over me. 
I am entirely grateful for how you took care of me that night. 
You truly were my big brother that I never knew I needed! 

4. Star Gazing
After my moms death, I would spent a lot of time with you in Blacksburg. 
Our sweet friend Lauren U. reminded me of this memory. You had set up the back porch of the house you and the guys were living in with blankets and chairs so that we could all watch the meteor shower that night. You made sure Lauren and I had everything we needed and that we were warm. We all sat together watching those stars for hours and just talking. 

5. The Best Day 
Tensley was born on a Friday evening, I remember texting you minutes after she was born to tell you she had arrived, she was beautiful, and she was healthy. 
You couldn't wait to met her. 
That next day, Saturday, there was a Hokie home game in Blacksburg. You were on your way to go tailgate with everyone and cheer on your beloved Hokies. 
However you made a detour to the hospital to met her. The moment you walked in the door your face filled with such joy, excitement and pride to met her. You had tears in your eyes. 

6. The Truck
I remember when you bought your truck. You were so excited about it. You purchased it right after you signed with WDBJ7 Full Time. You brought it to the house to show me. You wanted me to know there was room in the back for Tensley, that it had the hooks to buckle in a carseat, and it was extremely safe. You began to ask me about carseats, brands, safety ratings, etc. You wanted your own carseat for Tensley. I convinced you not to buy one, that you could borrow mine at any time. 

                    "Getin ready for a ride in the truck" -Adam          "Whats the one thing that can clean up the language of the            
                                                                                                               ward household on football saturday? 
                                                                                                                        A ONE YEAR OLD!" -Adam
                                                             Photos Courtesy of Adam Ward's Facebook. 

7. "What Would You Do" City High
Whenever I hear this song I instantly think of 2 moments with you. 
The first was in the car, you were driving me home from a game. I was upset about something and your voice was horse, you could barely talk. This song came on the radio and you started belting it out, loud and proud just to get me to smile and laugh. I laughed until I cried in the car. 
The second was during your freshman year of college you send me a video of you signing this song with Allen, Lauren C. and Sara. It wasn't the version of the song you were use to, the look on your face and Allen's when it changed was absolutely priceless all while hearing Lauren and Sara laugh and say "Oh gosh" in the background. 

8. Hokie Games
We went to our fare share of Hokie Games together. I remember going with you and Will S. during your freshman year. Sitting at the top of the south end zone cheering on the Hokies. 
I remember the one Thursday night game I attended with you and Allen in the student section. It was freezing cold that night and a really close game. You were so concerned about me and how cold it was, since my finger tips had turn ghostly white. I assured you I was fine. Once the game was over, we went straight back to the house and I couldn't leave until my hands were warmed up and looked normal again. 

9.One of the Last Senior Basketball Game
During high school I went to a basketball game with you, it was one of the last ones of the season. Salem was playing William Byrd at WB. I remember when the game was over, you were overcome with emotions about how quickly High School was coming to an end. You told me to enjoy every day, to soak all of high school in, take advantage of being with my friends everyday, love the sporting events, and to be united with my classmates. You told me how quick it all goes. That even though that night I was just a sophomore, before I knew it I would blink and I'd be halfway through my Senior Year. 

10. One of the Funniest Moments
David found this picture of you the other night in Tensley's crib. 
We busted out laughing. I remember you came over that evening before bedtime, we were talking and joking around. I had just told you how the a few nights before I had gotten into the crib with Tensley to lay with her and to see if I would actually fit. You instantly wanted to see if you would fit. 
You climbed in that crib with her, she was very unsure about you being her bed. Tensley did not like it one bit, but we laughed, oh how we laughed. 

Our family loves you, Adam. We are blessed that God put you in our lives. 
Thankful for the many memories we have of you. 
You will always be apart of our family and known as Uncle Adam. 
We miss you. 
We look forward to the day we are rejoicing with you in Heaven. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Whats Up Wednesday

Wahoo, I sure do love these link up days. It so fun to get a glimpse into others bloggers life and getting to virtually meet knew friends. Today I'm linking up Shay and Shaeffer in What's Up Wednesday. 

1. What we're eating this week
With this week be our first full week of back to school for Tensley and David's nice classes, dinner has been an eat what you can. Monday may be the only night I'll cook all week. 
Monday -Almond Crusted Chicken
Tuesday -leftovers
Wednesday -leftovers?
Thursday- sandwiches?
Friday - ugh... sandwiches?

Clearly I need some go-to recipes, can you share some of your favorites with me! 

2. What I'm reminiscing about
Summer with both of my girls. It was such a fun and fast summer. I can't believe it's already over. 
I know that Tensley enjoys the time with her friends at school and I need the mini break (though I do still have Everley) so it has been good for both of us. Though I do miss staying up late and sleeping in with that girl! 

3. What I'm loving
8:00pm Bedtime. I know this my be a crazy one. 
I just love having both girls in bed and asleep (for the most part) at 8:00pm. The house is quiet and peaceful and it's AWESOME! 
From 8-9 David and I typically work on different home projects or quick cleanup. Then from 9-10 we either sit down and talk, watch friends together, or discuss our dreams for our future. 
I pray this always continues, these little mini-dates with my hubby feel my soul so much! 

4. What we've been up to
Coming up with ways to ensure our house truly feels like home. I trying my hardest 
to be okay with living in our house (okay, I still cry, melt down, or freak out like once a week..) So I'm eager to start slowly picking up pieces from TJ.Maxx. Homegoods. Marshals. Kirkland. Tuesday Mornings. to help make this our home and less of my moms. 

5. What I'm dreading
Moving Everley into her room this weekend! Boo! Lets all take a quick minute to sob over the fact she is old enough to sleep in her own bed, in her own room. 

Okay now that we have all composed ourselves (I'm still a hot mess over here) lets continue. The original plan was to wait until Everley was sleeping through the night almost ever night. However that is not the case, she still wakes up around 2-3 to eat. However this is the same age that we moved Tensley to her room when she was a baby. Plus Everley is so BIG that she is, well out growing her bassinet. I mean she twist and turns all night longs, makes noises, and KEEPS MAMA UP! #nooneishappyifmamaainthappy 
So we are investing into our new video monitor Friday and putting the girl into her room. 
Please pray for this transition. I'll list a few specific prayers that we will really need. 

1. That I won't allow my emotions, feelings or thoughts of that room scare me from allowing my daughter to sleep in that room. {If your new to the blog, Everley's nursery is the room my mother passed away in, you can read that story here and my most recent closer here } I have been mentally and prayerfully preparing for this moment, now that it's here I'm becoming nervous, overwhelm, and anxious. 
2. Pray for David, that he will continue to sleep through the night when she wakes up. 
3. Pray that I won't make David get up to go get Everley and run up and down the stairs multiple times
4. Pray that neither David nor I trip over anything in the middle of the night when we head downstairs to her room. {Dear David's work boots I'm looking at you!}

6. What I'm working on
We are working on making Tensley a little command center to hang all her coats, lunchbox and umbrella. Plus a space for us to write her little notes on the chalkboard in the morning. Slowly but surely my mother's house is becoming our home. 
{I can't wait for this space to be completed so I can share with y'all!!}

7. What I'm watching/reading
We are still watching Friends all the way through. Its fun unwinding with David in the evenings with a few funny episodes of Friends before bed. We have been quoting that show non-stop lately. 

I'm excited to grab some new books from the library or amazon this week. Now that I know what to expect from the carpool line at school, I know I can knock out some good reading while I wait to pick up Tensley! :) 

1. I have such good reviews on Bringing up Bébé that I can't wait to read it! If my girls only learn one thing from the French please let it be their table etiquette.
2. Bringing up Girls, my in-laws recently purchased this book for David and I. I'm so thrilled to read this with him and discuss how we will parent little girls in today's sex crazy, sexual orientation and gender questioning world. Lord we pray you keep us strong and help us raise our girls to know and love you, to have no desire of what the world offers and only what you offer for their lives.
3. Nobody's Cuter Than You is a MUST READ! I ordered this book right before Everley was born and I would stay up after nursing her to keep reading. It's that good y'all! Buy it Now, Read it Now, and then call your Best Friend because she needs this book. I'm going to start re-reading it soon. Want a book to help you realize how important you friends are, THIS IS IT! (Also I hear the other books Melanie has written are awesome as well, I plan to put those on my birthday list as well!) 

8. What i'm listening to
One of our favorite local stations, Spirit FM and Q99. I typically play Q99 on our kitchen radio so that it can be somewhat heard throughout the entire house during the day. Just to give us something in the background that isn't the television. Plus when our favorite jams come on we are totally ready to bust out in a dance party! Raise your hands for T.Swift!! 
Tensley recently got a clock radio in her room as part of her back to school preparation. David and I choose to let her listen to Spirit FM, our local christian station. I love that she gets to her some of the same songs that we hear in church, plus I never have to worry about the DJ's talking about something that isn't age appropriate with her. 
Though it is rather comical to see her dancing to praise and worship music! What can I say the girl loves music. 

9. What I'm wearing
Now that school has started back, I find myself digging into some of my fall pieces even though its still 85-95 degrees most days. So if you see me running around town in shorts, 3/4 sleeve shirt and a scarf its okay and yes I'm probably hot and sweaty but I don't care, I am ready for fall! 

10. What I'm doing this weekend
This weekend seems like a pretty busy one for us, though I know if I think about Sept Weekends I'd think this one was very relaxing. Ha. On Friday evening with have small group (Wahoo, so ready for this to be a typical part of our routine again), Saturday will be full of house work/chores/playing, Sunday we will attend church then that evening a Princess/Prince party for one of Tensley's sweet little friends! 

11. What I'm looking forward to next month
lets scream it all together now

I am so excited for this to be back at Starbucks. I just love them! 
However due to expensiveness ($$) and calories (yikes) I only allow myself to get 1 season. 
Gasp. I know I might have just lost some readers there. I'm sorry, I promise I'm a true PSL fan!
I give into my crave just once as a special fall/birthday treat to myself. I try to pick the best fall weather day that is full of relaxing, enjoying the leaves, smell of fall, and of my fall outfit. 

12. What else is new. 
We are getting ready to prepare for Birthday Month! October, Tensley and I are ready for you! 

Bonus Question. Favorite back to school traditions.
I started the tradition last year of taking Tensley to get a mani/pedi at our local nail salon. I feel awful about this because we didn't do it this year. I totally dropped the ball, I think her attending a new school and them started before labor day totally threw me for a loop. Thankfully Tensley didn't remember or realize we didn't do it. So hopefully I will get to squeeze in some one on one girl time with her before the first week is over. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day of School

We did it! We survived the First Day of School! No one shed any tears, nope not even momma. 
This year school year was a little bittersweet for us, Tensley was changing schools. It was a hard decision for us to make to leave our beloved BB Preschool. Though changes were being made and during that time David and I spent a lot of time in prayer about it. We ultimately felt the Lord saying that Tensley needed to be somewhere else. So this year she will be attending Fort Preschool with a ton of her buddies from church! 

I have these moments of parenting to be some of the hardest. Making sometimes big changes like this for your children, even when they can't completely understand or get to express their opinion. Tensley  was very nervous about her new school at first, she kept saying she wanted to be back at BB. Then she would remember her favorite to guys (besides Daddy of course), Kolton & Lucas, would be with her. 

"When I grow up I want to be a Ballerina"

Kaylee & Tensley. Sweetest Friends

When I picked Tensley up from Fort she was all smiles, which I knew was a sign of a GREAT first day! I had asked to you remember 2 things from school so she could tell me when I picked her up. 
     1. What is one thing that you learned today?
             -I don't like the nap time, we had to lay down for an hour! 
       Disclaimer: After snack, the kiddos rest for about 5 minutes with heads on the table. To help with calming down and self control before their next activity. 
     2. How many m&ms did you receive for before? 
             -They didn't do today, they said on the second day we will start this. 
        Disclaimer: They use the m&m system for their behavior chart. Each child starts the day with 5 m&ms, any disobedience means taking away an m&m. Right before it's time to get picked up for the day, the kids are handed out their amount of m&ms they earned for the day. 

I learned some other fun facts about Tensley's day as I continued to ask questions during the day. 
          1. She really enjoyed the playground
           2. She pretty much played with Lucas and Kaylee the entire time. Though I did see 1 photo from her teacher showing her playing with 2 other little girls. She denies that picture. 
          3. She saw her friend Kolton (He is in the 4's class) and he waved at her twice during school. This was pretty much the highlight of her day. {Fun Fact: She wants to marry Kolton when she grows up and prays that this is part of God's plan for her life almost every day!}
         4. She is upset her new school doesn't do lunch. 
         5. She enjoyed painting on her first day

I'm thankful Tensley had a great first day and she is enjoying her new school. I'm looking forward to this new year, her new friends at Fort, and all the new things she will learn.  Everley and I did miss her terribly though. Everley was so upset about it, that she napped the majority of the morning. While I spent some time relaxing. I was afraid to get into anything knowing that I only had 3 hours and how fast it would sneak up on me. Plus I wasn't sure how the carpool line would turn out. Now we are all more prepared and ready for Wednesday.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekend Roundup: Last Summer Weekend

 We kicked out last weekend into full swing on Friday! David's grandparents drove all the way up from Johnson City, TN to spend a few days with his parents. So Tensley and I took advantage of spending the afternoon with them before dinner that evening with the rest of the family. 

We met my PawPaw, Uncle Mark, Great-Grandma (Grandma) and Great-Grandpa (Grandpa) at a local restaurant called Pete's Deli for lunch. PawPaw would have rather come to Salem so his parent's could have had Mac N Bobs for lunch, however Tensley was dining to take Grandma and Grandpa to her beloved Sweet Frog. It didn't take much for her to convince PawPaw that ice cream was a good idea! ;) 

PawPaw photobombing in the back!
                                  She was a little over excited that they didn't have the small cups out. She thought she was HOT STUFF getting a BIG CUP. No worries we didn't fill it full. Small scoops of 3 different flavors (pomegranate, chocolate, and vanilla all topped with chocolate chips, pop rocks and sour gummy worms). I choose pomegranate, chocolate, and cake batter with a few chocolate chips and granola. And Non for Everely Boswell! 

After we finished our Sweet Frog we went to the local park near my in-laws house for about 20-30  minutes. Allowing Tensley to run off some of her energy. She truly enjoyed playing with Uncle Mark, she has missed him dearly. He had been at Camp all summer long, he left almost 2 weeks after Everley was born and just got into town 2 weeks ago. The girls have been loving on some Uncle Mark!! 

Hensley helped PawPaw make a Strawberry cake for desert that evening. She was extremely excited to get to do this with him. Typically she only bakes with Grammy, so she was pretty impressed that PawPaw knew how to make a cake! haha.

     Late that evening Roni and Brayden came by for a visit too. So both grandkids helped PawPaw icing the cake. They did a pretty good job for the most part. I was super impressed with how long they stayed over there icing away.

After dinner Grammy and Roni took both kiddos to the town center to watch the movie Planes! It was a huge hit for both kids, even though said it was really chilly outside. Tensley ended up coming back with ketchup in her hair and on her face, proves she at least had a great hotdog!!

Cutest Couple, 67 years of marriage! 
                        We loved having Grandma and Grandpa up for a visit and we praise God for bringing them to VA safely. Saturday morning they left semi-early off to VA Beach area to visit Dennis' brother Ronnie. We look forward to seeing them again soon when they stop back by on their way home!

Saturday we did some home projects and continue to get all ready for school. That evening we met up with some friends from church to attend the Shelor Motor Mile Speedway Race. This was a first for our entire family. We had a lot of fun and Tensley truly enjoyed spending time with her friends Kolton, Kerrigan, Daniel and Cole. They watched some of the race inside, then played outside, played inside again, then all indulged in some ice cream before heading home.
Both of our girls are crazy and stayed awake the entire drive home, which was close to an hour. We got home eat 10:30 and they were both wide awake! They are nothing holding up for late summer bed times hardcore!

After church on Sunday we came home for lunch before running to the mall area for last minute things. We grabbed Tensley 2 paris of shoes from Rack Room and then groceries for the week.  While  David and I prepared a family picnic Tensley was playing teacher with all of her students. Everley was beginning to get fussy, so we plopped her in the jumbo and told her to join the class. 
Tensley said she interrupted her a lot and that she didn't earn all of her m&ms that day. Oops. Better luck next time Everley!

Last Summer picnic! 

Wearing sissy's headband, looking all big, beautiful and bohemian. 

It started raining right as we finished up eating dinner, so Tensley was unable to play at the park. So we decided to drive area looking for houses/land for sale in our area (one of my favorite things to do).  We found my dream home up this private back road we stumbled upon, I literally yelled "David Shut Up, Look at that house," He replied with "Lauren it's your dream house," Tensley stated "Mom! We don't say shut up! Oh My goodness I love that house!!"
We were all bummed when we realized the for sale sign we saw at the bottom of the road wasn't for this house in particular. I told David to knock on the door asking the owners if they would sell it, he said no. Though he did tell me to knock on the door asking for their builders information.

That evening we came home to prepare for our new normal bedtime and evening routines for before school in the morning. Tensley only cared about one thing and one thing alone her brand new clock alarm radio. We plugged it in, set it on the approved station (We love Spirit FM), set the alarm, and learned all the rules that allows for having a radio in our room.
Just like that it was time for bed and to prepare ourselves for the first day of school!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Favorites: 21 Day Fix Edition

Today I am linking up with Andrea and the other ladies for Friday Favorites, today mine is all about the 21 day fix! 

For the past two weeks I have been doing the 21 day fix challenge. I can not speak volumes about the program,  I just love it all. The 30 minute work outs, the meal portions, and the shakeology... oh the shakeology!

If you're not familiar with the 21 day fix, I'll give you a little information about it. For 21 days you do a daily 30 minute work out, have 1 shakeology (meal-replacement), and your portion containers for all of the food groups. Each container is a different color and stands for a different food groups.
 Green = Vegetables
 Purple = Fruits
 Red = Proteins
 Yellow = Carbs
  Blue = Healthy Fats
 2 Orange = Seeds & Dressings

The first week David and I were doing our workouts in the evening, then I would drink my shakeology immediately right afterwards. The workouts were great, but doing them at 9:30 at night was not my favorite thing. So I tried to do them in the morning, however I have been having a hard time becoming a morning person. Every day we did a different exercise which is something that I love. 

Autumn does a great job of motivating you during the 30 minute exercise. Each exercises only last 1 minute and you typically do them twice. She gives you plenty of rest times in-between the exercises and rounds, while she explains the next workout and how to properly do it. 
Another reason I love having Autumn lead the workouts is that she makes sure to point what  is the wrong way or a modified way to do the exercises if you need them. 

Tensley has even been working out with us a few nights last week, I was really impressed with how well she did working out with us and lasting the entire 30 minutes. She has even been requesting to work out with me. She always request her own yogo mat, her jingle bells (her markers that she uses as dumb-bells), and her own water. 

I was finally able to switch my workouts to end the morning this week, it has truly worked out the best and I'm able to put my shakeology to good use. I have the Chocolate Vegan bag and I love love love it. Seriously its my favorite snack and if I could drink it multiple times a day I would. 

My favorite shakes are Chocolate Strawberry, Plain Chocolate, Chocolate Orange Juice, and Chocolate Banana. I currently have been drinking the chocolate banana one for the past 3 mornings. 

Chocolate Strawberry:
             3-4 ice cubes
             1 cup sliced strawberries
             1 scoop shakeology
             1/2 cup water

Plain Chocolate:
              16 oz of water
                1 scoop shakeology

Chocolate Orange Juice:
             3-4 ice cubes
             1/2 cub orange juice
             1 scoop shakeology

Chocolate Banana:
            1 whole banana (I cut it up)
            3-4 ice cubes
            1/2 cup skim milk
             1 scoop shakeology 

I can say that these past 12 days have been great, I have felt better, my clothes fit better, and I have a ton of energy. It is also really easy to follow the containers and the food portions for my meals. I thought it would be fun to step on the scale this week, already down 4 pounds! I'll be excited to see what my end results are at the end of my 21 days. 

                              I love starting an early morning with this girl and our matching "jingle bells" 

What do you to stay fit, strong, and exercise? I'd love to hear from you! Also if you have any great dinner recipes or shakeology recipes I'd love to try them out!