
Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Favorites

It's Friday!
Ladies we made it to another week, let the weekend celebration begin!
Today i'm linking up with Shay and Erika to share some of my favorites from the week. 

So this is a 2 part favorite.
1. I got an impromptu Date night with this guy. It was amazing, we did a little shopping and then we got Moe's...aka I really just ate all the Guacamole with a side of Corona. 
2. That Salmon Pink Puffer Vest, David got it for me for Christmas (read I picked it out, put it on hold and he picked it up) and its ben my go to piece for any outfit! 
See I even wore it Tuesday night when I took these photos. I bet you anything I'll be wearing them today or Saturday. 

I just love it. It's bright salmon pink!
Light weight, but still really really warm. 
You can find it here. It also comes in Orange and Navy.
Plus its on SALE! 

Have y'all heard this song?
Its currently one of my favorites. 
It's the perfect pick me up song, need motivation at the gym. Play It!
motivation to pick up after the kiddo tornado. Play It!
motivation to bust out work. Play It!
Also huge shout out to Emily Ley and her January playlist on Spotify! 
Our family plays a lot of her playlist on repeat or I'm constantly adding songs to my own playlist. 
Here is the link to her January playlist, your welcome in advance.
Honorable mentions from that list:
1. New Years Day | Pentatonix
2. She Sets the World on Fire | Gavin Degraw
3. Castle on the Hill | Ed Sheeran 
4. Goldmine | Colbie Caillat 

This lightweight sweater is my new go to favorite top!
I bought it last week on a quick run into Target and found this on the clearance rack. 
I honestly wore it the next day and to be extra honest I washed it just to wear it again later in the week. 

I have even paired it with my go to vest. 
Okay let me be honest again, I have even gone to Targets website multiple times to look at more color options for this same light weight sweater. I have been good, but I'm sure by the end of the weekend another one or two will be making its way to our house it a pretty little target box. 

This Red One here and Gray One here are the two I'm trying to decide between. 
What is y'alls vote: Red, Gray, or Both?!?! 

This is slowly become one of my new favorite sitcoms. 
Though I'll be completely honest I HATED the pilot episode, I almost didn't give the show a second chance but I'm so so glad I did. 
In my opinion you can just start with episode 2 and pick up from there. You'll totally get the gist of the show, witty humor, and if your mom you'll find someone to relate too. 
My favorite episode to date is defiantly The Nap. 
The entire time during that episode I kept saying "Yes....This is my life" and yet neither of my children are in public school yet. 
Though last weeks episode The Surprise was great, I'm currently trying to figure out how to throw our own Escape Room Party! 

Okay Another Favorite

Trying to find a show that I can watch with David is so so hard. It's nearly impossible. 
However we saw this reality show twice this week and we are hooked. 
People have signed up to become "fugitives" and former CIA, FBIA, Detectives, etc. will be searching for them for 28 days. 
They are only allowed 4 states to travel and $500 dollars. 
Whoever stays hidden the longest or close to the 28 days wins the cash prize at the end. 
I love it to the point that I say things like this during the commercials:
Where would we hide?
Which forest would we hide in?
Do you think we could survive together, would our marriage survive?
Babe they are looking for people for season 2, can I sign us up?
Seriously can we do this for our 6th anniversary this spring?
How mad would you be if I sent in our application?

Yep I'm hooked and I'm dying to be on the show!
For those sweet David has already said I probably couldn't survive. 
He has said things like...
Oh you'll get annoyed, yell and blow our cover.
No you'll find a Nordstrom while we are hiding and get us busted.
You don't even enjoy camping, you'll never survive. 

The Deadline to apply is Feb. 15. Y'all I'm still working on him.. 
I really think it would be a great experience plus hello marriage builder/strengthener (Oh Lord pray for us!)
Fun Fact: I asked if he would do it with is younger brother, he eagerly said that would be fun.

PS - This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and purchase an item I may receive a small commission. 
 THANK YOU so much for supporting the blog! 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Catch Up Thursday || Snow Weekend 2017

Early this month we had a Snow Weekend!
Y'all these are my favorite types of snow days. 

Why you might ask? 

Oh because that means my husband is guaranteed to be home and can play in the snow with our girls!
Its glorious to see them all play together while I enjoy the warmth of our home and prepared hot chocolate and all the warm clothes/towels for once they came inside! 

I don't know about you but I don't think anything is cuter then seeing your kids all bundled up to go play in the snow. Also shout out to our local Once Upon A Child for having a great variety of snow bibs back in October. So I grabbed a pair for both girls. 

This girl is a Snow Girl through and through. She honestly gets it from her daddy!
She loved it all. Snow Angels. Snowball Fights. Snow man making.
She even offered to help scrap the walkway and the driveway. 
She is our little snow bunny. Its so much fun to watch her in the snow. 
Plus she is the best at snuggling when she comes inside. Her biggest request is hot chocolate and watching White Christmas. The "Snow Scene" is her favorite and she sings it every snow day! 
{Yes its my favorite part of a snow day!}

This babe well she is her mother and is not a huge fan of the snow.
She is all about trying it out for 5-10 minutes. Taking a few cute snow pictures, maybe making a snowball or two. Then she is crying and ready to come inside. Sister girl I am right there with you. 
Though I will say she did go out a second time her Tensley and David, she loved it that time. Maybe its because she was shoveling the walk and driveway as well. I think she hated it the first time because her big sister wanted her to make snow angels as well, so she might have pushed her in the snow .....because that is being helpful after all. HA!

All in all it was a great Snow Day Saturday. 
Plus due to the cold temperatures that lingered around the following days, school was closed for 2 days ... on the 3rd day was delayed so only 2 hours. 
I might have been the mom that jokingly pushed Tensley out of the car and fake cried to her teacher as I drove away. All in good parenting fun! 
These days truly are long and the years are so so short. 
I'm learning to truly appreciate the extra ALL Days together the Lord blesses us with, to be slow to complain about them. However I'm quick to Praise for normalcy in our home! 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday Favorites

I can't believe it's already Friday, even though we had 2 snow days this week (those days seemed long) this week really seemed like it flew by to me. 
I'm so ready for a weekend with my family and the best part about it....
we have NO plans!! 

On Monday school's in our town and surrounding counties were closed. 
David even went into work late because it was so icy and cold. 
By 11ish the roads were pretty decent so the girls and I met up with some of our bestie at Mommy's Me Time.
It's this cool play/gymnastic like area for kids inside one of our local malls. 

These 4 truly are the bestest and sweetest friends.

CLEMSON became National Football Champions.
Also David practiced flying is drone inside the house for the majority of the game. 
Real Talk || This is our marriage and how we spend time together. I yell at a football game while going thru boxes and declutter. While my hubs flies his toy around the basement and my head. 
Yep this is how we spend the evenings together.
As long as we are in the same room. 

I have talked about dry shampoo before here on the blog. I have actually found a new favorite, Detox Dry Shampoo. I absolutely love it. Okay honesty I love all the Dry Bar products thanks to my Dry Bar experience in Vegas back in October. (You can read about it here)

I'm slowly but surely adding to my Dry Bar product collection. 
My favorite products from Vegas were the Hot Toddy Heath Protect and Southern Belle Volumizing Mouse. 

We started something new this week during our evening routine.
After bath time on Tuesday night, David picked a movie for us to watch. However we didn't finish it we only made it 30 minutes in before bedtime. It was great, everyone was okay with only start part of it too before bed.
We even got to watch another 30 minutes last night and plan to finish the last bit of the movie tonight. 
We are all loving this little snuggle sesh before bed. 

Y'all, I'm dying over this meme.
I mean isn't this true about my little space.
This week I have blog 4 days.
If you missed them you can find Monday's here, Wednesday's here, and Thursday's here

Happy Weekend Friends!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Catch Up Thursday || Tensley's 5th Birthday

Just like that on Oct 21, our sweet Tensley turned 5. 

Everyone says they grow up in a blink of an eye.
Y'all I never believed people, I just kinda nodded politely and went on my way.
Then Tensley turned 5 and I was thinking Holy Cow those people were right.
It was just yesterday that she was this itty bitty (okay not so itty bitty, she was albs 12oz) but still she was this cute little squishy baby. 
Insert the crying Emoji here!

Let me completely honest in my parenting here.
I DROPPED THE BALL on a birthday party.
Like I completely forgot to plan on, think about one, even make it happen.
October was such a crazy month for us that it totally slipped my mind until ya know the last week of the month. 

So I planned a party pretty much 2-3 weeks after her birthday. David thought we were completely insane, especially when we told him the type of party she wanted to have.

Sleepover Party! 
yep, its starting.
I was able to convince Tensley that since she wanted 10 girls to come over they all couldn't spend the night. I'm sure their parents weren't ready for that and honestly my sanity wasn't ready.
So we called in a Sleepover Half Night. 
Friends arrive at 6pm and Left at 9pm. 

It was perfect, crazy, and the best fun EVER!

Everyone was asked to arrived in their Pajamas ready to eat sleepover food!
Pizza. Juice Boxes. Cupcakes. Movie Popcorn. 

I found the cutest sleep mask at five below so we gifted these to the girls along with some chapstick.
Tensley was so excited to give her sweet friends these gifts. 
This is such a fun group of girls and I just loved having them all under our roof to celebrate Tensley. 

I mean how cute are these precious girls!

Clearly I should have lighten this photo, but if you look carefully you'll see a sleepy little girl with a cute face mask! :) 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Workin' It Wednesday || New Year's Goals

Oh I just love linking up with some of my favorite bloggers, don't y'all?
Today I'm linking up with Shay and Erika in their new Workin' It Wednesday Series! 

If your missing linking up with them today, don't worry there is always next month.
Here is the schedule for the upcoming year! 
So let's jump into the post shall we...

New Year's Goals!

Okay so typically in the years past I would write down my goals for the year.
Start off really strong like I'm sure we all do, then I would fizzle out around summer....
and honestly by the end of the year I have forgotten what my goals were. 
It's always so depressing and sad for me. 

So this year I'm changing things up. 
I'm ONLY doing a word this year. 
Every year I pick a word, to help me focus in on things for that year. 
This year my word is CONTENTMENT!
Knowing the struggle I have had living in my late mother's house, I feel like this word is perfect for 2017. To continue not only loving living in this home, but being truly content here and with the way our homes look. 

Now if I were going to come up with 5 goals they would probably be something like this...
1. Slow down and take the little years in!
2. Camping and Hiking as a Family! 
3. Learn calligraphy.
4. Take more photos with my camera and not my iPhone! 
5. Play, Play, and Play more with the girls.

Do you keep with your New Year's Goals or do you seem to fizzle out on them mid-year like me?
Have you ever picked a word for the year to focus on and improve in? 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Welcome Back!

Oh friends how I have missed this little space with you. 
I feel like it has been forever since I have been hear sharing little tidbits about our lives and how I'm learning to love this home of ours. 
I can say one of my goals for this year is definitely posting more on this space, I know that I truly enjoying sharing things with y'all and our family that live out of town. I hope that y'all enjoy it just as much as I do. :) 

For those that don't know, for the past 3-4 months we have been sharing 1 laptop between David and I. I know what you're thinking, how in the world are we still married right. HA!
It's been a struggle I'm not going to lie, however we finally broke down and bought another laptop. 
All the Praise Hand Emoji's Right!!!
Between businesses, a husband going back to school, and blogging, we definitely needed to break down and buy another laptop. 

I'm excited to have you share our home journey with us this year. 
I have some big plans for 2017, with one of them being a new couch for our basement! YAY!
Plus I have missed blogging on a few moments from our family from 2016, so Catch Up Thursday is back. Be a mix of back log post and catching up with what we are doing now. 
So make sure you stop by back. 

Thanks for sharing so many moments with us last year in 2016.
I'm thrilled that you're sticking around for 2017, lets be honest I'm going to need your advice and opinions on some home decor, paint colors, clothing styles, and I'm sure parenting... (like we are having our girls are now sharing a room now).